Creating a Passion For Goodness: Worry About It!

Its okay to worry.

Worrying means that something is wrong, or needs to change, or that you care a lot.
I caught myself thinking about how awesome everything has worked out in the past 4 years of college and that I should not have worried so much. When I think about it, if I hadn't worried, I wouldn't have changed my major. I for sure wouldn't have changed it the five times that I did. I had been chasing the idea of finding the perfect major for me. I knew what I wanted but I couldn't seem to find it. I worried and worried and worried, but no matter how much I worried, I kept working. I worked super hard to maintain the foundation that I needed to support my crazy ideas. I went to class, I reached out to mentors and advisors. I worked out consistently, ate a healthy diet, and I made a conscious effort to be kind to those around me. These things have always been a part of my life, but in my times of worry I didn't waiver from these things. I knew they had long term benefits that outweighed anything else.

This leads to the anti-Advil theory that I believe. You do not need Advil for minor inconveniences. Most things can be fixed with water. If something is hurting, you should know that it hurts. Masking the pain will only lead you to more pain to mask later. This temporary fix can lead to more serious problems. For example, you hurt your ankle. You take Advil to mask the pain while you go run around. Boom. Hurt ankle round two. While you were out not worrying about your ankle, because you couldn't feel the pain, you hurt it even more. Now, of course there are exceptions to every rule, Advil is great for inflammation so don't think I'm saying its a good for nothing product. I just believe most things are worth putting in a little extra effort to learn about WHY you are worried, hurting, or unsettled. There is a solution to (almost) everything, you just have to find it and put in the work.
